Scientific Stuff
I am currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. D.W. Landry laboratory, at the Medicine Department of Columbia University. The lab is working in the development and improvement of catalytic antibodies as therapeutic agents. Dr. Landry's group was the first to develop a catalytic antibody effective as a cocaine peripheral blocker. This antibody (Mab 15A10) has been shown to prevent addiction and overdose in animal studies. For more information about this project, here are some references you can check.
Links of Interest Institute for Scientific Information--products, services, and employment National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) home page Pedro's biomolecular Research Tools Science Professional Network: Jobs, careers, and employment Vector DB--Molecular biology vector sequence database Home page for Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Homepage for American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Universidad Complutense de Madrid